Tuesday, January 16, 2024

I’ve been listening to Joyce Meyers lately.  One thing I really like about her style is that she makes a statement, and then she waits.  She doesn’t seem to find it necessary to fill the air up with words.  She gives you a moment to reflect on what she has said.

I get tired of preachers that never take a breath.  And preachers that use so many adjectives you can’t keep up with them.  Better to have one point and do it well than to blanket the pulpit with words and words and more words.

I had never listened to her before.  I had heard people talk about her, but I’ve never had much use for those programs that spend most of the time asking for money.  I heard one guy the other day say that if you didn’t send him support that God wouldn’t bless you.  Good grief.  Who does he think he is?  Joyce said something yesterday that was refreshing... “If you don’t feel like giving something, don’t do it.  God will take care of it.  Somebody else will.  I don’t ask for money.  That’s not what I do.”


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