Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Well, I missed blogging yesterday.  Monday.  So I repent.  I am doing all of the exercises that physical therapy has me doing.  And am sore.  Every muscle that hasn’t been used in the last three months is sore.  I am counting my steps.  And I do feel better.  

This Saturday, Feb. 3, I will be in Pryor at the bookstore to sign books.  “The Macau Mavrick” is out.  Reviews from all of you that have read it have been exciting.  I have even convinced my brother Bill Swan to be there as well---since the book is about him.  

I spent three years writing and rewriting it.  And every thing I wrote, I had to rewrite and edit at least a dozen times.  I went to bed every night thinking about how to say something about what he had told me, and I woke up every morning re-thinking it.  Three years.   Writing something that someone will enjoy reading is a lot of work.  When I started, I didn’t know that.  I learned. 

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