Friday, January 5, 2024

The only thing I have to do--to get back in the habit of blogging--is to get the time of day right when I do it.  Early morning.  But my habit lapsed so I have to get it back in order.

I have been fighting with Direct TV for the last two months.  They have sent me 3 new remotes, (which have to be programed--which I have done and detest doing) 2 receivers and finally--finally--a human.  You name it, my TV has experienced it--on the down side.  The last problem was that the receiver made a clicking sound all of the time.  Enough to drive me nuts.  Click, click, click.

I’ve thanked God for the parts of my body that work well--my eyes, my fingers (to type) and my hearing.  Most people lose one of those (at least) by the time they are my age (86 in March!)  But all of those parts of me work as intended--so the click, click, click of the receiver had me pulling my hair out.  So the human they sent me put another receiver in.  It worked for three days and now, it is clicking again.  I’ve never been able to give up on anything in my life, but I’ve reached that point.  Problem is--I don’t know what to do next.  My choices are limited--and everyone I know doesn’t like the group they are with and have changed at least once and still aren’t happy.  We are at the mercy of big business.

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