Monday, January 22, 2024

The physical therapist gave me exercises to do three times a day.  I’m doing them, and if the soreness I am experiencing is an’s working.  I admit, I needed a push.  I had gotten so weak from all of the things that had happened to me...ending with covid, that I was down--which is a place that we get to--that we don’t want to be.  Everyone says I am going to get better if I will get off of my butt and start moving.  But when you don’t feel like moving,  you can think of a hundred reasons to stay in your chair.

I did experience something that we face when we are old.  That is “Why bother if you aren’t going to get better.”  The therapist was a great encourager!  She assured me that I wasn’t done yet.  That I could recover and have many years left if I would get my body back in shape and get some strength back.

So.....I’m doing what they tell me to do.  I finally believe I can get stronger.  I’m going to do the exercises to strengthen my flab.  I can’t get out because it is so cold so I am walking 1000 steps a day and increasing it.  Amazing what an encourager can do for our attitude. 

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