Monday, January 8, 2024

    Every now and then you see something that will be etched in your  memory forever.  I had gone to the doctor this morning...Becky was driving--thank God--in the middle of three lanes of traffic going east when a pickup going west--the wrong way--on a major highway--cut in front of us and the other two lanes, and hit the barrier on the other side of the right lane--missing cars in all three lanes of traffic.  There was no time to react it all happened so fast.  I saw the driver’s head hit her windshield and the back end of her pickup go up in the air and then we were past it all.  Becky just called to tell me that the traffic report said she was killed.  I never saw anything like that before in my life and hope never to see anything like it again.
    How precious life is.  How quickly something can happen to end it.  Becky didn’t even have time to brake.  Anyone who says they are going to wait to give their life to Jesus should take warning.  We never know when the end will be, and a life spent with Christ as your savior is so blessed--why would anyone want to wait.  And nobody knows when the end will be.  Got sent angels to guard us today.  He is so good to his children.  I am so thankful for the split second of protection that he gave us that saved our lives.

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