Monday, January 15, 2024

    Our lesson Sunday was about Jesus getting into an empty boat to teach on the sea of Galilee.  Peter, his crew, and James and John were washing their nets after a night in which they caught zero fish.  Zero.  Jesus told Peter to cast the nets out again.
    Can’t you just see Peter’s face.   “Lord, we’ve fished all night.  There aren’t any fish.”  And in his mind saying, “I’m an expert fisherman Jesus, and you aren’t.  You are a carpenter.  I know what I’m doing.  You don’t.”
    But Peter said, “If you say so, I will do it.”  We know the rest...there were so many fish the nets began to break.  James and John and Peter couldn’t bring the nets in.  I bet people on the shore were scrambling to grab fish and stuff them in whatever they were carrying.
    Peter fell to his knees and said, “I am a sinful man.  But from now on I will follow you.”  The three men left the boats to the rest of their crew and went with Jesus to be fishers of men from then on.  One of my members said, “I wonder what Peter’s wife said about that?”  When we follow Christ, it will change everyone’s lives.

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