Eventually Peter has to say something we don't want to hear. 1 Peter 2: 13-15 "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or to governors, as to them (law men) that are sent by him (the governor) for the punishment of evildoers…for so is the will of God, that with well-doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men."
Now Peter has gone to meddling. But what he doesn't say is submit yourselves to the king or governor. I can live with that. I can submit myself to "every ordinance". Kind of. Obviously Peter didn't have to deal with the United States government that loves to pass ordinances. Stupid ones. And even when they are outdated, they stay on the books.
But I try. I'm just not a very good submitter. I bet you aren't either. But we must try. My biggest problem is stop signs. They irritate me. When no one is coming from any direction, stopping just for the sake of obeying the rule is difficult for me. I (we) want to make our own rules.
But the reason that Peter gives for stopping (or whatever law you are breaking) is that it is the will of God. I would rather it just be something Peter is advising us to do. But no, Peter invokes the will of God. That is a different ballgame.
And God's reason is that when we do what we are supposed to do, we silence those who rebel against the law. God calls them ignorant, and foolish.
I don't particularly want to be included among the ignorant and foolish. And I do want to do the will of God. His purpose is that we have a witness to those who don't know Him. Okay. I'll try harder.
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