I don't like batteries. Ken always took care of that. And everything in the house is breaking down for need of a battery. The garage door key pad. The scales in the bathroom. The blood pressure cuff. The flashlight. My watch.
And you can't just go get a battery. You have to figure out how to take something apart to find the dead battery. Taking things apart is not one of my strong points. And of course the package of batteries you bought last week won't fit whatever you are trying to fix. The first time I went to buy a battery, I told the clerk I needed a battery. "What kind?" she asked.
I had to go home and take the TV remote control apart to find out what was in there. I didn't even know that you had batteries in the control. I guess I just thought it was magic. I didn't know there were different kinds. But I have learned about batteries. I always have some dead battery in my purse so that when the clerk asks me what kind, I can pull the dead battery out and say, "This kind."
Peter ends his first letter with praise for Paul, and with a warning. 1 Peter 3: 15b-16a (My translation) "…Paul also according to the wisdom that he has been given, tells you in all of his letters about these things. ( Mistakes people make who don't know scripture) Some of the things that he writes about are hard to understand because you haven't learned and have to struggle with what he is saying."
You need to learn scripture. If it is a struggle, get a translation that is easy. Like the Living Bible. It is kind of like learning about batteries or anything else you don't know. It takes time. You have to start somewhere. You can't live your life being spoon fed by a preacher once a week.
I have progressed. I went in the store the other day and said, "I need a package of triple A batteries. And I knew what I was doing. I felt like a real, honest to goodness adult.
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