James 4:13b "You that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year…"
James 14:14 "You don't know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away."
"You will go into such a city (Pensacola) and continue there a year….," well I didn't make it. I was so lonesome I could die. I got on a bus and went back to Oklahoma after four months. I didn't think of it as 'leaving Ken.' I just couldn't stand it any more. I had no one but Ken in Pensacola and he was never home. I took a leave of absence from my job, kissed Ken goodbye and left.
Two weeks later he called. "Are you coming back?"
"Do you want me to come back?"
"You know I do."
"Maybe I'll be back in a week or so."
My dad took the phone out of my hand and said, "Ken, I'm putting her on the bus tomorrow."
My dad was a very sweet man who seldom asserted himself. He had never ever told me what to do. He left that up to my mother. That's when I knew I was really married. That's when I knew that Pryor wasn't my home anymore.
"You don't know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life?" Well, mine was settled. I was a Marine Corp wife. I just had to figure out how to do it. Like most eighteen year old girls, I had thought it would be 'dreamy' and romantic. Which it was, occasionally. Then reality set in. This was going to require something of me. I hadn't ever thought that far ahead.
I started by tearing up a towel and dusting our house. It was a pit.
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