Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Peter decided that the two women were telling the truth.  Jesus was indeed risen.  And over the next few days as Jesus appeared to them, Peter was forever changed.  After Jesus had gone to God, Peter preached one, if not the, most convincing sermons in Biblical history.  Thousands upon thousands believed in the gospel story.  It is always convincing when someone says, "Let me tell you what happened.  I saw it.  I was there."  Peter no longer was fearful of the Jewish high priests and Pharisees.  Bring them on!!!

These personal accounts from John, Luke, Matthew, Mark, James, Peter and others, which are identical to each other, are powerful.  The fact that they wrote down what they saw is certainly a God thing.  He had us in mind.  He wanted us to hear first hand accounts about Jesus so that we would have great confidence in the story of Jesus.  So that we would believe and know our sins are forgiven.

The other doubter that I really love is Thomas.  Remember when Jesus appeared to his disciples and Thomas wasn't present.  When his friends told them that Jesus was risen, Thomas said that couldn't happen.  People didn't rise from the dead.   He said he wouldn't believe it unless he put his finger in the nail holes in Christ's hands and his side where the Roman soldier had stabbed him.

And then Jesus appeared to Thomas and said, "Thomas, put your hand in my side.  Touch these wounds in my hands."  And Thomas fell to his knees and said, "My Lord and My God."  He called Jesus God.  No other person had ever said that.  And he didn't have to touch his hands or side.  He could see Him.  It was Jesus.

That's pretty powerful.  Peter.  Thomas.  Doubters.  God bless them.

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