Wednesday, August 6, 2014

As long as I am talking about prayer, think of it this way:  You know how, when you walk into a room full of people, you look around for someone that you know.  And you gravitate toward them and say, "How are you," or "It's good to see you," or "I hear you got a new car," etc, etc, etc.  It's not that we have anything important to say, it's called being friendly.

Well, think of prayer that way.  Be friendly with God.  Since he is a spirit, and since he is everywhere and watches us and tells us he will listen to us, you might just want to say "Hello God, I've been thinking about you today."  I think prayer is simply talking to God.  Staying in contact so that you aren't using him like an insurance policy when something goes wrong.  He wants to hear your voice.  He wants to know what is on your mind.  Jesus says he is our friend.  We need to act like one.

I find myself reminding him of people who need help.  Friends, family, neighbors.  And the world.  It is in such a mess.  He even tells us to pray for our leaders.  I just talk to him about things.  And ask him to do something appropriate.  Since I can't know the future, and he does, I want him to do what is best.

You might say, "What difference will it make?  God is going to do what God is going to do."  Well, there are any number of places in the Bible that God tells us that he is willing to change his mind and reconsider.  And a number of times that he does change his mind because of someone's prayer.  If one of your children asked something reasonable and it was within your power to grant their request, wouldn't you give them what they asked for.  You would probably want to do the same thing God does--that is, do what is best for them.

I'm not a fan of long-winded orations.  Especially ones that use language that is stilted.  Acts 10:4
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees (and Baptists, and Catholics and Methodists, etc.)…for a pretense you make a long prayer…"

1 Peter 3:12 "For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers:  But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil."

Eyes, Ears, Face.  Be sure you are on the righteous end of prayer.

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