Monday, October 6, 2014

The book of Hebrews ends with a blessing. Hebrews 13: 20-21 "Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be the glory for ever and ever.  Amen."

Make you perfect.  To do his will.  Those things that are well pleasing in his sight.  Which reminds me of something that happened Sunday.

I have been arranging for special music in the early service at our church.  We have so much talent that if I use everyone I know about, it will take four months to go through them all!!  God be praised.

This Sunday we had a special blessing.  Telia Summy, pianist and soloist extraordinaire, and her husband Don Lewis sang, (Yes, from the Country Hall of Fame).  He played the guitar.  But what made it such a blessing is that we have know Telia since she was very young and have as a church prayed for her and Don through the years.  She grew up here.

He played with Johnny Lee Wills, Bob Wills, the Waylen Jennings Band and Sammie Smith ( who sang "Take the Ribbon From My Hair") until a terrible car wreck destroyed him.  He couldn't swallow, chew, use the right side of his body or care for himself.  Telia and her family cared him for years as he learned to do everything all over again.  The worst thing was that he could no longer remember how to play the guitar.  At all.  But he refused to give up.  He learned to play again with one hand.  He is better than anyone I have heard in years.  He can't speak very well, but he can play.  And such an inspiration.  Telia believed in him until he could believe in himself again.

Watching Don and Telia on Sunday was such a blessing.  They sing in churches all over Oklahoma and bring joy everywhere they go.  What an inspiration they both are.

And that is your blessing today.  Their story.  If it doesn't bless you, well, I give up.

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