Wednesday, June 7, 2017

1146.  That's how many times I have written something to you.  I had no idea when I started writing that I would keep at it so long.  I thought I would write about the book of Genesis and be done.  But once I got into the swing of it, it became a part of my day.  More than just a habit, it became a purpose.  And now, it is a habit with a purpose.

What is it that makes us keep at something for the long haul?  For me, it is bull-headedness plus encouragement.  We all have personality traits.  One of mine is that if I say I'm going to do something, you can count on it to get done.  I'm gonna hang in there.  I will be on time.  I will show up if I commit myself.  I'll do what I say I am going to do.

But along the way, without encouragement, I sag.  I will "keep on keeping on," but my heart is not in it.  You may not know what is going on in my head, (because I stick to the task), but I need someone to tell me, "Atta-girl."  I don't know what makes me that way.  It just is what it is.

I know who some of you are.  But not all of you by a long shot.  Either way, when one of you tells me, or writes me to say, that something I wrote made you laugh, or made you think, or made you change the way you were doing something--I am totally recharged.  You lift my spirit.

As members of the human race, we affect each other.  We inspire each other.  Comfort, encourage, assist, befriend and uplift each other.  I wrote on the fruits of the Spirit yesterday.  Those fruits in the lives of others are a large part of what moves us in the right direction.  You are the light of the world.

Look at yourself with honesty.  Do you produce those kinds of fruit in your life?  Characteristics that lift the spirit of those around you.  Or do you let life get you down, cause you to be a stumbling block to others?  We are responsible for the people we touch--we are children of a King.  We represent Him.

It's not about you.  It's about others.

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