Friday, June 23, 2017

Yesterday was our last Bible School day.  Brady went home last night because his family is going to Dallas today.  And I can't go today...I have an appointment I made two months ago--but I still feel like a Bible School dropout.  (I feel like humming the Beauty School dropout tune from "Grease")

Sunday our lesson was on the 23 Psalm.  Piece of cake--right?  Well, even though I memorized it years ago, and must have taught the lesson who knows how many times, I learned some new things getting prepared for it.

I knew that sheep were dumb and that David was comparing himself (and you and I) to the sheep--who, left to themselves would end up dead.  And was saying that Jesus is the Shepherd that cares for us.  I knew that the sheep had to be hooked with the curve in the staff to be brought back into line.  I knew that sheep would chew the grass down to the roots rather than move to a green pasture where they would be better fed, (because their eyesight is only 15 feet), and that they needed "still" water so that they wouldn't get their wool soaked--which could drag them down and drown them.

What I didn't know was that if the shepherd had an errant sheep that kept straying, he would break one of the sheep's legs to keep him close to the herd so that the sheep wouldn't become prey for wolves, etc. Which, of course, is applicable to you and I when we keep wandering off into sinful practices.  God will do what is necessary--not because He wants to do us harm, but because He doesn't want us to do ourselves harm.

I also didn't know that when they had travelers who stopped and asked for a meal back then ("he prepares a table before me") that if you wanted the visitor to leave after they ate, you would fill their glass half full--and not refill it.  Which is a reference to the line, " cup runs over..." Because when you wanted the guest to stay and visit, you would fill their cup full, and keep it full.

I am always amazed at the new insight I receive every time I read scripture.  My cup runs over.

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