"...without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin." Hebrews 9:22. Without mercy from God, Christ's death would have been in vain. We would be without hope.
Over twenty years ago, I started writing a book and this last week, I finished it. The problem was editing it. Taking stuff out, rewording what I left in. Now to find a publisher. Friends have sent me suggestions, so I guess the rest is up to me. And you know, (because I told you so), I do procrastinate when there is something I don't particularly want to do--which usually involves finishing something. I do eventually finish every thing I start, but twenty years later is a record. I hear that in the last twenty years, self publishing has become the way to go. I have to rev up the energy to care whether it is published or not. I wrote it for myself, anyway. I know, I know: Bad attitude.
Becky is doing an estate sale for a woman who was a professional seamstress. And in the middle of editing my book, and studying the scripture on the Mercy Seat, Becky has been bringing me hundreds and hundreds of yards of fabric to measure, fold, tape and get packaged for the estate sale. The woman also was a quilter and there were almost a zillion pieces of quilting scraps to package.
I would read the Bible for awhile, then edit, then package fabric. My attention span for any one thing is about twenty minutes. But eventually I got all three tasks done. I've said this before--I certainly don't recommend my method of doing what needs to be done.
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