Tuesday, June 20, 2017

This week I am doing something I have never done before in my life.  I am working in Bible School. I told the director that I would do whatever they wanted me to do, but that my only reason for volunteering was because my grandson Brady was going to stay with me for the week--and I was going to come to Bible School with him--since he lives in Moore and wouldn't know any of the children or the teachers here in Edmond.  I didn't know how he would do not knowing anyone.

So yesterday was our first day.  He did great.  Me--not so great.  I have always worked with teenagers--and 5 year olds were a bit much.  They wiggle.  They have a ten second attention span.  I have always preferred to work with 7th grade up--when they are ready to think about abstract things.  But, yesterday I played in play dough, colored with crayons, played on the play ground and made pictures of the moon.  Four more days and I can go back to reality.  Thank God for children's workers.  Years ago, I was more than happy to turn my own children over to them.

I am loving having Brady with me, however.  He was sweet enough to let me take a nap when we got home.  He loves my Koi pond and feeding the fish, and I recently had a hatching of dragon flies that kept him occupied.  (I also have great-grandchildren.)  Brady is Jon's son.  Jon came late in Ken's and my life and then didn't marry until he was older, and then--waited to have children.  So he has two boys the same age as my great-grandchildren.  I am a multi-generation grandmother.

God gives us gifts.  And as I watched the children's workers yesterday, I was amazed at their enthusiasm for the children.  They enjoyed what they were doing, and knew each child's name.  They played games that took mega-energy.  They really didn't need me, so for the most part, I watched.  I am glad that God's gift to me was teaching teenagers.  It takes all of us.  Doing it again tomorrow.

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