Monday, October 2, 2017

I like people.  I like to watch them.  I like to be around them.  I like to listen to them express themselves.  If another class in publishing is offered, I am going to take it--simply to be around the people who are interested in writing.  I have truly enjoyed this class and the people I've met.

I probably have over 300 college hours.  It takes 130 (as I recall) to graduate from college with a Bachelor of Science.  I have two of those, and also a Master's.  I am an educated idiot.  I know just enough about a lot of things to be dangerous.  But enough to carry on a conversation with almost anyone for five minutes.  Longer than that and I'm busted.

Why do I have so many college credits??  Well, I started going to college to find out what the scientific world knew "for sure" about evolution theory.  I was teaching high school seniors at my church and they were asking me questions that I couldn't answer.  One thing led to another.

I got an academic scholarship that paid for tuition and books, so I enrolled in whatever was offered from 9AM to 3PM--any course that I hadn't previously taken.  If it was on the schedule between 9 and 3,  you name it, I took it.  As long as tuition and books were covered, I just kept going. Which has been forever.

My counselor was frustrated with me, because he wanted me to take specific classes--but I had four kids couldn't leave the house before 8:30AM, and needed to be home by 3:30PM.  I had to get them off to school in the morning and be there when they came home that afternoon.

Eventually, I would get one or two classes away from a degree, so I would switch majors.  Just to keep from graduating.   I would pick a different major, get a new counselor, and start taking their stuff.  I loved the classroom.  I loved learning.  I didn't want to graduate as long as it was paid for.  But I finally had to graduate because I couldn't keep from it--I was tapped out.

I am flawed, however.  I don't enjoy a subject very much unless I have a teacher.  I need someone to expect something from me.  That is one of the reasons I am enjoying this class I am taking.  There is a teacher.  I am the student.  I get to listen, learn, and interact with people.  Perfect.

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