Friday, March 1, 2019

 Day 7 for being sick--it's the pits.  Day five for antibiotics.  Two more days to go and the meds will have once aging pulled me out of this.  I finally got dressed today for the first time in a week.  Pneumonia is going to get me someday.  I have no patience for this.  I feel my body is out to get me.

When I have a bad attitude, (Yes, I sometimes do) I sing.   We all have a favorite hymn.  Mine is not too well known.  But last week, oddly enough, someone texted it to me.  I just like the words--because for me, the decision is done.  No need to argue about it with anyone.  It goes like this:

My faith has found a resting place, not in device nor creed,
I trust the ever living one, his wounds for me shall plead.
I need no other argument, I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died, and that he died for me.    It's enough.

Sometimes I find myself humming, repeating the words in my head.  My faith has found a resting place, and when I am sick and irritated about it, the song calms me down--I trust the ever living one.

That doesn't mean faith and trust are going to heal you (Physically).  It just means that whatever happens to you, it's okay.  God's got it.

I definitely do not like being sick.  It makes me mad.  Yes, I am a control freak.  That's why I hum soothing songs.  Or go sit at the piano and play hymns for a bit.  It evens me out.

On the bright side, I sign a contract today.  What could be better.  By two thirty this afternoon I will be an author and not just a writer.   And because I've been down with this lung thing, I have had 7 days to do nothing but write and am almost finished with the first draft of a second book.   Sometimes things happen for a reason.  I wasn't able to leave the house.  Jeannine and Linda--my neighbors, brought me food every day.  Nobody expected anything from me, so I did what I wanted to do.  Write.  "In every thing give thanks, for it is the will of God, in Christ Jesus, concerning you."

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