Tuesday, March 26, 2019

While we were waiting on the storm to hit, a man I had hired was busy moving dirt and building a raised bed for my garden.  He got most of it finished before he had to head home ahead of the storm.

He is going to finish it tonight.  And then...and then...I get to put tomatoes in the ground and plant okra.  It's like Christmas for me.  I can't get "Jet Stars" here in Edmond.  Scott will get them for me in Pryor.

Brady already planted the potatoes and parsley.  I'm going to plant green peppers, yellow and red ones, too.  And kale.  I gave up on squash.  The squash bugs always get it and I'm tired of fighting them.  

I don't like cucumbers, but I love sweet pickles.  So I'm going to plant cucumbers for the first time ever.  I have a friend in Pryor that makes sweet and sour pickles.  I'll get her to give me her recipe.  Then, of course, I have to make the pickles.  Which I've never done before.  It may be my first and last time.  Depends on how hard it is.  It's been a long, long time since I canned anything. I'll have to buy jars if I do this.  There are still things in life I've never done!!

I am going back to the Apple store this afternoon and get an external hard drive.  Now, when I say, "External Hard Drive," I know what it is.  The language of computers is like Greek to me.  I learned "Flash Drive" a few months ago from Pat.  Just when I get comfortable with the name of something, it becomes obsolete.  

72, 75, 78, 33, 45's, tapes, disks, etc. for music.  The older you get, the more stuff there is in your head that you don't need anymore--taking up space in your brain.  It's that way on every subject.  I don't have a delete button.  Stuff just rattles around up there in the old noggin doing me no good.  It makes learning new stuff seem like a waste of time--because in a little while, it will be obsolete.

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