Monday, March 11, 2019

I went to a "Tomato and Pepper" lecture at the plant nursery with my cousin Ann.  It was boring, so while Ann watched, (she is more tolerant than I am), I went exploring around the nursery.  Which always ends up costing money.  But I had a $5 off coupon, and a $28 refund from last year on a ticket they give you when you return something.  So it didn't end up costing an arm and a leg like it usually does.

Some women like to go to clothing stores.  I like to go to plant stores.  I got two new kinds of succulents, and four pots of burgundy clover--which I have been trying to find for over three years.  My church has the clover all around in the shrubs.  It is supposed to be an annual, but it comes back every year and spreads.  Like a ground cover.  So even though the lecture was boring, I enjoyed the plant discoveries.

The only problem is that it is still cold here.  So I can't put them out yet.  Last week, it got below freezing a couple of times.  Plants don't like that.  I don't either.  So the plants are by the kitchen sink, waiting.  We are going to have a late spring.  But the daffodils didn't get the message, popped up and are in shock.

Tornadoes are moving east.  Last year, and already dozens of them this year as well.  It looks like the entire "Tornado Alley" is moving east across Alabama, Mississippi, and other states east of the Mississippi River.  Oklahoma usually gets hit first--and heavy.  But not last year, or this year so far.  I am sorry for other state's tragedies.  Hearing about them and experiencing them are two different things.  We are tired of the experience here in Oklahoma tornado alley.  Is global warming responsible for this?

I refused to sign the book contract--but the publisher is eager to change the things I object to and is calling tomorrow to get on board and make me happy.  I don't want the word "adapt" in the contract any where.  I don't want my name on something that someone else has the right to "adapt."  I've seen books adapted.  That is not for me.

I'm ready to get publishing on the road, but not at any price.  Adapting could mean using words that I find objectionable.  As well as video.  Nope.  Ain't gonna happen.

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