Tuesday, March 19, 2019

 My third point from yesterday:

 3.  So...If there is a higher power...and if He is good, then:  How could a good God leave us humans on earth with no answers as how to reach Him.  Communicate.  Know what He expects of us.  The question is:  Does, or has, He communicated with us. 

Most people who try to reach out for those who don't know much about Biblical things, want to start by telling about Jesus.  However, in today's world, people are much more informed than they were back in the days of His story.

People are asking things like: "Where did we come from?"  Or: "Is there something out there--ET come home." Or maybe: "Did someone in the galaxy land here long, long ago."  There is  an indwelling question of recognition that we got here in some extraordinary way. 

Evolution theory seems to be at the forefront of the questions.   However, that is not the big question.  The big question is What, and Where is Space?  We are floating around in it.  We breathe it.  It goes on forever.  People study it.  But nobody knows where it came from or where it ends, or if it ends, or why it is here.  The fact we live in it is incidental.  We are in space.  It exists somewhere.  Why???  Where???

So the ultimate question:  1. Is there a God?  2. Is He good?  3.  How does He communicate with us?  Some say, "In nature."  True.  Some say, "Through our thoughts.."  Religions are formulated looking for answers when right there in history is a man, who says He was sent from God.  Who answers questions in a way never before or since have been heard.  He was remarkable.  History records that he actually healed people.  Caused the lame to walk.  Caused people to come back to life when they had stopped breathing.  There has never been anyone like Him.  Ever.  We count years of time from knowing him--before, and after him.  So why don't we want to acknowledge that this God we are seeking has, in fact, actually spoken to us through His Son.  Personally, I think it is because if we acknowledge Him, He would expect something of us and we actually want to be our own God.   

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