Friday, March 22, 2019

My friend Jeanette has spent the entire week calming me down.  I don't get upset very easily, but my computer has been ornery.  I have had it eight years and didn't know anything about computors--and didn't know I needed to back stuff up.  So:  Here I am, writing a book, and through God's mercy I didn't lose it because I didn't back it up.  

I went to Walmart to get a back-up hard drive, got home, and it won't install.  Now I have to go back to Apple and buy an expensive one.  Which is fine, I just want it to work.  I'm tearing my hair out.  I don't do stuff like this well, and when it doesn't do what it's supposed to do, I shut down.

I'm going to start over on Monday and try to do better.  What with spilling my tea on my "almost" white carpet, turning my chair upside down and retrieving my charger cord--disturbing every muscle and joint in my body, four trips to OKC with my Apple and that's just the surface, I've been ruffled.

But Jeanette has calmed me down at every turn.  She's calm to begin with.  I've got a friend for every shortcoming in my life.  God is good.  I need friends.

Brady and I got the potatoes planted.  He also planted the red clover and the parsley.  He had a blast watering it all.  There is nothing quite like a seven year old with a hose.  Water, water, everywhere.  I had a dozen packages of flower seeds that are at least ten years old.  I handed them to him so I could take a break and who knows where he planted them, or if they will come up!  He will forget all about it before he comes back again.  He just wants to get into the mud and water.  Power to him.  However, he got the mud all over his shoes and came in and tracked across my cream colored carpet.  I've been there before. You don't raise four kids without a little mud here and there.

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