Monday, March 4, 2019

I have been housebound.  Ice, ice, and more ice.  My next door neighbor puts the newspaper on the porch every morning so that I don't have to go get it.  I wouldn't go get it anyway.  I am not going to take a chance of falling like that.

My traveling daughter left in the middle of the ice for Russia.  My job is to fret over that.  And I can think of a million things about that to fret on.  Everyone in Russia wants to come to America.  Why go to Russia?  You can see all that stuff that's over there on TV without freezing to death.  Or being locked up.

I have no control over any of my children.  All of you out there who have little children, be assured that before long, you won't have any control either.  And eventually, you'll be glad of that.  It relieves you of any responsibility for the dumb things they do.

If you think they won't do dumb things, take two aspirin and call the doctor in the morning.  Christianity isn't heredity.  You can't catch it from your parents.  Parents can lead you right up to the cross, but they can't make you kneel.

I thank God that all my children made a decision early in their lives to accept the gift that comes with believing.  Because by the age of fifteen, they know everything.  You become automatically stupid.  All those hugs from your five year old, cease to exist in a few years.  You did a good job, they are just testing their wings.  Don't be discouraged.  God's not done with them yet.  "Train up a child in the way he (she) should go, and when they are old, they shall not depart from it.  The operative word is "Old."  Just keep praying that they don't do something that permanently ruins their lives in-between.  


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