Thursday, March 28, 2019

When they installed "Word for Mac" on my laptop, everything changed on it everywhere.  New stuff appeared on different apps, on different things I opened.  I despise change.  I've had so much change in my life over the last eighty-one years that I am reeling.  Just when I adapt, something else changes.  I grew up in a time when you didn't throw stuff out.  You repurposed it. And it isn't because I am growing older.  I never liked change at any point in my life.  Ever.   

I can deal with the big stuff, like moving, (I've moved 27 times) buying a new car, reworking the landscaping.  It's the little stuff that gets me.  The red, yellow, green dots on the top bar of my Mac don't look the same.  I don't like it.  The drag and drop is gone.  I have to choose Cut, Copy, or Paste every time now on Blogger.  Which makes me nuts.  

I just got a pop up that all of you out there are going to have to do something different to get this blog--Pat's coming over today to set it up--otherwise it would vanish.

I am the proverbial "stick in the mud."  Leave everything the way it is so I don't have to learn some new way to do something.  The only improvement I have adjusted to is my phone.  And I hadn't got a clue how to use everything on it before they upgraded it.  Who thinks this stuff up!!

I do like the "ding-ding-ding" on my car when I back up. 

I'm glad God doesn't change.  He is the same "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow." I don't have to constantly relearn what He wants from me, or how I am suppose to live.  How I am supposed to treat people.  It is comforting.  He doesn't change.  His words are always true.  

The world is what changes.  I'm not sure it is for the better.    

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