Friday, March 8, 2019

Today, I got my eyebrows tattooed on.  Again.  I had them done ten years ago when I lost my hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes.  (Chemo)  But the tattooed eyebrows had faded, and new wrinkles had distorted the shape of my brow.  Wrinkles are the price you pay for living.

My hair eventually grew back--somewhat.  Thin, but never again like it had been before.  The lashes and eyebrows didn't.  The upside was that I was alive.  Not having eyebrows, or eyelashes, is a small price to pay for being alive.  Fix it if you can. Accept it if you can't.

Life is full of unexpected losses.  If you are not able to roll with the punches, or are unable to move on with what you have left, you will be miserable in the middle of something good that you are missing.  Because we have much to be thankful for.  Concentrating on what you have lost is a way of living in the past.  Forget it.  It's done.  Over.  Get on with it.  

I don't have eyelashes, but I have eyes.  I don't have thick hair, but I have a great smile.  I have fantastic friends.  My family loves me.  I have over thirty pairs of shoes. (Trivial, but very nice.)  I have a house that is paid for.  I have a dog that I adore and that adores me.  When you get discouraged by something you have lost, count the wonderful things you have left.

The last two weeks, I have had pneumonia.  But (!) with the help of doctors, antibiotics and God's grace, this week I am better.  I'm going to plant a garden soon.  It's March and seeds and bulbs in the ground are just waiting on the weather.  I have a man who has agreed to come build me a raised bed for my garden.  And rototill it to boot.  Life is good.  My grandmother had a wall hanging that said: "I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Psalms 37:25   It is still true today.  I have been young.  Now I'm not.  But I bet I can grow a lot older if I keep my attitude in the right place.  I'm working on it.  Eyebrows help.

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