Saturday, March 30, 2019

My grandson in Kansas called to wish me a happy birthday today.  "The redbuds are blooming in Kansas so I know it's your birthday," he said.  Another grandson called me yesterday to wish me a happy birthday because the redbuds are blooming in Tulsa and he saw them on the way to work.

I like that better than them remembering a day.  They were off only a little bit.  They will think of me for the rest of their lives when the redbuds bloom.  I think that is wonderful!!  They started blooming here in Edmond today.

The adjuster climbed up on the roof to see what those tennis ball sized hail stones did.  The roof is trashed.  And it's almost new.  But with tornado and hail season just beginning, I'm going to wait because it could get trashed again.  Unless it starts leaking--then I'll have to fix it.  I just don't want to have to replace it two times.  Or more.  That would mean I would have to pay a deductible every time.  It also ruined the roof on my shed. 

Friday mornings are garage sale day with Ann.  I don't know the streets here very well, so I told her if she would drive every week, I'll get the coffee and breakfast.  She said she texted, (or called?) Scott to get us our Jet Star tomatoes.  It's supposed to freeze here Sunday, but I'm planting them after that.  I hope it doesn't freeze again--in April.

I got my succulents planted outside.  My "Hen and Chickens" make it through the winter every year, so I don't have to bring them in.  The others, well, I don't know.  Come winter, I will divide them and bring half of them in.  I don't know if they will survive the cold or not.  But I'm going to find out.

I'm rambling.  Who wants to hear someone ramble.  Boring.

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