Thursday, March 7, 2019

The baby blue Jag got traded for a brand new Cadillac.  Which meant that we didn't have any money because all our money went in car payments, which we couldn't afford.  We couldn't afford the Jag either. The problem with the Jag was it was a two seater.  And Ken's German Shepard (Blitz) got the second seat.  I protested.  

A Marine Captain who had been living with a German Shepard for his companion, and was very attached to his car and his dog, hadn't worked out the kinks in obtaining a wife.  It was me or the dog.  As it turned out, it was the Jag.  Ken bought a Cadillac so I had a seat.  The dog got the entire back seat.  That was okay with me.  

But the payments killed us, and when we moved to California, he sold the Cadillac and bought a very (very) old Lincoln.  We finally weren't car poor, but the car was a clunker.  We went to San Diego one day and Ken let me off to go in a store.  He was going to go around the block and pick me up on the corner, but the car died, so he drifted down the hill with no power until he rolled into a used car lot, called my dad to get him a loan at a Pryor bank--we had no credit in California.  Dad did, and two hours later Ken picked me up on the corner in downtown San Diego.  In a newer Lincoln.  (The car that got caught in the rain.)

The biggest problem with the two hours (that I had no idea where Ken was) was that he had our new baby with him.  I was fairly frantic.  No phones back then.  No idea where he was.  All alone, nineteen years old with no emergency skills.  And worse, it was (and is) a Navy town full of young men looking for women.  I'm standing on a corner in shorts and a tank top, and yep, if I had been in the business, in two hours, I could have probably made enough money to pay for the car.  I was in tears.  And scared.  Pretty well scared stiff.

Ken finally came back, driving the new car with the baby asleep on the back seat.  I was crying like a baby myself.  God protects stupidity I guess.  We didn't ever actually own a car until Ken traded the VW for the Chevy.  We paid it out.  We finally owned a car.  

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