Thursday, December 26, 2019

And then, suddenly, the dinosaurs all disappeared.  Abruptly.  All at once. Not over time; no, they disappeared in an instant.  How could that happen?  What occurred to wipe out almost all life on the surface of the earth, but allow almost all creatures that were in the waters to survive?
Dinosaurs gone.  Land life extinguished.  In an instant.  We are able to glean knowledge about that disappearance from two, and only two sources.
1.  The first source is strata deposits--in which there are fossils of  creatures that were once alive laid down in layer upon layer of sediment.  And in those layers, there are thousands and thousands of deposits of multitudes of different kinds of animals that no longer exist. You can’t deny strata; strange animals once existed.  And they disappeared all at once.  Instantly. 
Additionally, in ice cores, scientists can date, and trace through the layers in the ice cores from present day, back through millennia.  They can identify catastrophes, volcanic deposits of ash that traveled through the atmosphere, tsunamis, temperature changes and other phenomenon which occurred on earth through millions and millions of years.  Layer by layer, preserved deep in the ice.  Ice core Strata.
2. The second--and only other--source of information concerning that sudden disappearance of what was living on earth is the Biblical source...

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