Wednesday, December 4, 2019

There is too much stuff to read anymore.  Information is drowning me.  I made the mistake of ordering a "three for $5.00 set" of magazines for a year.  I won't do that again.  I don't have time to read them so I walk them over to a neighbor who does.  They are Mostly recipes anyway.  And I am not going to cook them.  It would take one person forever to eat one of those recipes.  

And my neighbor brings me "Time" mag. when he is through with it.  I try, but the articles are too long.  And boring. My attention span is short.

When I started writing this blog, I determined to write six inches--or however short the small page I write on is.  No longer.  If I go a line over that, I go back and edit it until it is shorter.  That's enough.  Nobody wants to read more than that unless it is a good book.

I found that when I was teaching math at NEO, the attention span of a student who was listening to instruction was fifteen minutes--then you had to give them something to do.  So I would explain something for fifteen minutes, then give them a problem I could assist them with--and when everyone got the concept, move on to explain the next concept for a minute or two.  "Doing" is more instructive if you have someone to help you than "Hearing."

The TV is just noise anymore.  If you want something near the truth, you have to listen to three or four different stations.  Nobody simply reports the news anymore.  They spout opinions.  It makes me weary.

And since some people only listen to only one station, they are brainwashed into that station's opinion.  Discussion of ideas is out, out, out.  Like I said at the beginning, Information is drowning me.  Let me rephrase that:  Opinions are drowning me.  Figuring out what is true is a huge effort.  

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