Wednesday, December 18, 2019

 I had read it (Genesis) without asking any questions.  Obviously, I needed to learn how to read! 
It was at that point that I read Genesis again.  With attention to words.  What did the words actually say?  And what did the words actually mean?
If you can’t trust Genesis, what else in the Bible might not be true?  How do you decide what is true and what isn’t?  Faith must be based on truth or it is dangerous.   And Biblical truth has to be true from cover to cover.   Genesis to Revelation.  Otherwise it is blind faith.  
You can have blind faith in anything you want to--and end up going down a dead-end road to nowhere, or off a cliff.  You can end up somewhere you never intended to be. You can have sincere faith that you can fly like birds do, then go jump off a building and end up dead.  
I was about to begin a journey that I’ve been on for over fifty years. It has been a search for truth. And how do we find it.  What is truth?
The first question a person has to clear up in their own mind is this: Is there a higher source; is there a God?  It affects everything else.  If you don’t believe that there is “something,” or “someone” out there in control of the universe, then you can’t really have a discussion about where we came from. Believing, or not believing in a higher power, determines the mental pathway of a person’s life. Rather than God, some people choose to believe in Aliens. 

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