Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Squig is still sleepy from his visit to the Vet.  He lost another tooth in the process.  He now has less than half of his teeth.  That's the problem with being born a schnauzer.  Bad teeth.  Choose your parents carefully???

He'll be twelve in March.  That's eighty-four in dog years.  I don't want to think about that.

Thinking about age, Jon, (my youngest son) brought his two boys over to see me on Saturday.  Tate is four, Brady is eight.  The reason God gave children to younger people becomes apparent when you are around a couple of them for an hour. They are very well mannered, but busy, busy, busy.

By the time you have the good sense to raise children, you don't have the energy you need to raise them.  So you just have to do the best you can when you have kids.  Jon has a lot of patience with those two energetic boys.  I can't believe I raised four children and had the energy to do it.

I gave Tate and Brady a shovel and sent them outside to tear the dried okra pods open and plant the seeds.  I didn't tell them that the seeds had to be planted in the spring to have a chance to grow.  No need to spoil their fun.

We played Uno.  They both beat me over and over.  I think I'm over the hill.

When It was time for them to go home, both of them began to cry and beg to stay with me.  That was flattering.  It's nice to know you are loved.  But Jon had the good sense to take them with him.  I could have kept one of them, but both at the same time would have been the end of me.

My oldest grandchild is thirty-seven; the youngest is four.  They were both born on Feb. 20.  They are the bookends of my grandchildren.

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