Thursday, December 5, 2019

Last week, our Sunday quarterlies started covering a study of the book of Numbers.  The first eight chapters cover a census of the people.  Twelve tribes are numbered.  Poor Moses.  He was out in the desert trying to get every one going in the same direction.

They started us in chapter nine--thank goodness.  The first eight chapters are like reading a phone book.  Most of you probably don't know what a phone book is?  (I still have one from 1956.  No, I don't know why I kept it.)

The people were complaining, "Manna for breakfast, manna for lunch, manna for supper."  After forty years of wandering around, I doubt we would do much better.  

They were led by a cloud by day, and a fire by night.  They got so used to those two things, and probably thought those two things were normal.

Like us...the sun comes up every morning and the moon every night.  That's the way it is.  Normal.  I can't help but wonder if they were just like we are.  We are so used to the sun and moon, we have lost our wonder of the universe.

Trees die in the winter.  And come spring, they burst into green.  Such a magical event.  It happens every year.  Maybe we are so used to it that we have lost our wonder of the miracle of things that are alive.

I've gotten hooked on Dr. Pol on TV.  He's a Vet.  After watching multiple episodes, I now think I could pull a cow, and dehorn a steer.  I think I could sew up a dog after a dog fight.  (I'm pretty good with a needle.)  New little critters being born is such a miracle.  Puppies, kittens, little goats and sheep.  Maybe we need to regain wonder.  Maybe we need to recognize the hand of God in our world.

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