Thursday, December 19, 2019

I can’t fathom a universe filled with everything that exists in the thing we call space—stars, moon, sun, galaxies, black holes--as being an accident.  What is space anyway?   There must be a higher power.  To believe otherwise means that something had to come from nothing. Which is contrary to intelligent thoughts about science, not to mention the laws of Physics. 
I believe there is a Creator.  It affects everything I think and do.  It is the reason I wanted to know exactly what the Bible said, and what the words meant. It is why I wanted to know that all of the Bible is true, and why the Genesis account is not a contradiction of science. I wanted to know the truth.  And it starts with the basic belief that something can’t come from nothing.
I’m going to tell you how I arrived at my conclusions concerning the Genesis story of creation.  If you don’t agree, then you have to start your own scientific journey.  But I believe there is one thing is absolutely, unquestionably true: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  And it’s true, whether you believe it, or not.  And out of nothing, “space” came into being.  And into this nothingness we call space, God placed the heavens and the earth.  And us.  There had to be a "beginning."  (Continued...)

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