Monday, December 9, 2019

Becky and Craig took me to the Messiah last night.  The conductor turned to the audience at the end and directed all of us to sing the Hallelujah Chorus.  It was a wonderful evening.  They took Kathy and husband Steve as well.  Kathy and Becky do estate sales together all the time.

Steve is the guitarist for Darci Lynne, the American Idol winner--with her puppets.  So he travels a lot.  It was nice to have everyone in one place for the evening.  Josh went as well.  Steve and Josh were the guys on tap when I bought sofas at an estate sale Becky had.  They lugged them into my house and set them up for me.  Family and Friends are a blessing in my life.   

I stayed up last night at the Messiah way past my bedtime and am groggy this morning.  I'm going to have to take a nap before the day is over.

I'm on my way to the Vet.  Squig has to get his teeth cleaned.  And they have to put him to sleep to do it.  Which bothers me.  But schnauzers, as a breed, have horrible teeth so it has to be done.  Squig loses teeth every time we do this.  The best thing about schnauzers is that they don't shed.  I guess you can't have it all.

When I took him to the vet for a teeth-cleaning in Pryor, it was usually under a hundred dollars.  I've taken him to Guthrie for the last times and it was $185.  But it gets harder and harder to get him there, so I thought, "It can't be that much more to take him to a vet in Edmond.  Edmond--the home of the rich and famous.  $405.  We will be going back to Guthrie.

There is a steep price for a dog that doesn't shed???  But what is a girl to do.  I'm in love with this little dog.  I'll eat beans and cornbread for a month.  God created schnauzers for people like me.  They aren't good for much of anything but to love.  And I do that quiet well.

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