Friday, December 13, 2019

I have moles in my front yard.  They have invaded.  I thought my lawn care company would treat the yard for grubs--which is what attracts the moles--but it looks like they didn't do that.

Since Squig is a terrier, you would think he would get out there and dig them up, but no!  He isn't in the least bit interested in them.  He gets fed every day without having to work for it.  I guess I am the problem??

I was going to go buy a mattress today, but when I left the pot luck dinner at the church yesterday, my brakes started squeaking really bad.  My grandson Sam told me that they put "squeakers" in your brakes to warn you.  He also said you can remove them, but that if you do, then you don't get a warning that your brakes are in need of repair.

So I am not going to go shopping for a mattress, I'm taking my car in for repairs.  I bet it ends up costing more than a mattress.

Everyone thinks I should buy a new car.  I'm not going to do that either.  I have two Town Cars that run.  Why would I want a car payment?  One is a '99 with one hundred and thirteen thousand miles on it--in excellent condition.

The other one is an '08 with eighty-five thousand on it.  It's badly in need of washing.  The Lincoln dealer will do that today.  It has a scrape on the back bumper where I let the garage door down on it.

That kind of damage says "Stupid" to everyone.  It's kinda embarrassing--but not enough to tempt me to pay to paint it.

I'll get a new car when both of these cars give up the ghost.  In the meantime, I'll find another way to spend the money I don't spend on a car payment.

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