Monday, December 16, 2019

Everybody keeps asking me to write a book about Genesis, so I am in the process of doing that.  I'm going to share chapter one with you.  It may take a couple of days to blog the first chapter, because I have stayed with my commitment to write only six inches.   
I was living in a world where I never asked questions.  The Bible was true and it had always been true.  What was there to question?  And then, in the late sixties, I was teaching a class of seventeen-year-old high school girls, when one of them asked me a question.  “How do you decide which parts of the Bible to believe.”
“What do you mean!”  I was confused, and shocked by her question.
“Like the creation story, she said.  "It’s a fable. Right?”
To say I was shocked is an understatement.  I had never heard anyone question the facts in the Bible.  “Why would you say such a thing? I asked her.
“Well, we know the real truth.  Darwin has explained how life began.  You know, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.”  Her statement was made as a given conclusion.
No. I didn’t know.  I had gone to school in an era when the Bible was in the classroom and no one questioned its validity.  Questioning God’s Word was considered blasphemy.  Nobody did that.  (Continued tomorrow.)

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