Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 Finally went to see the doctor.  She went over me with a fine tooth comb, did a Covid test--I don’t have it--put me on two meds and said to let her know if they didn’t take care of the headache and upset tummy.  I’ve really been under the weather for weeks.  

I woke up this morning with no bad symptoms.  Hallelujah.  Gimme’ the pills.  She thinks I  stressed my entire body dealing with the back pain for so long.  Sounds reasonable to me.  I am a stress bomb anyway.

I was supposed to get blood work, but forgot.  Got all the way home and had to turn around and drive back to get it.  No wonder I am a stress bomb sometimes.   I do it to myself.

One of the things that occurs as you age is keeping up with what is breaking down.  Old people talk about their ailments because they are always occurring.  It’s one thing or another.  God’s way of getting us ready to travel--to heaven.  Ken always said--especially in terms of going to war, “Don’t threaten me with heaven.” 

He was the bravest person--man or woman--I have ever known.  He never talked about his exploits unless it was to tell a funny story.  And some of his escapades were really funny.  As for ailments, he was post flighting an A4 in Viet Nam to see if there was battle damage.  As he walked around the back of the plane, it “burped” a ball of fire.  Burned his entire body.  One of the men doused him with water and they put him in a shower.  I heard that one after he came home.  Among other mishaps. 

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