Thursday, July 8, 2021

You have a gift.  God gives everybody a gift--to do something.  I was at teacher’s meeting last night and my director Jerry Miller was saying that he couldn’t be there Sunday because he was doing the music at a church that was having some problems.

I said, “Sing, Jerry. When you sing everyone’s heart is lifted to the gates of heaven.”

He said, “Oh, Janie, you are just being sweet!”  And I replied, “No, I’m not being sweet.  It’s your gift.  God gave it to you.  I didn’t get it.  Nobody else got it.  It’s yours.  And you are the only one who can use it.  Sing, Jerry.  Lift people’s hearts with your gift.”

Sometimes we forget that our gifts are given to us to use for other people.  Sometimes we forget how special our gifts are in the sight of others.  We forget that others need us to bless them--just like they sometimes bless us.

We need to get busy “blessing.”  It’s the reason God gave us a gift.  Let your light shine.

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