Thursday, July 22, 2021

I am hooked on “Married at First Sight.”  I can’t imagine someone marrying a person they never met.  Maybe it intrigues me because after Ken spent twenty-one years as a fighter pilot in the Marine Corps doing super-sonic crazy things, he chose to spend the rest of his life as a professor in Sociology--of all things!!!

He had been the commanding officer of three different squadrons of men--one of those in the Viet Nam war--officers who were also pilots, and hundreds of enlisted men, and was fascinated by the interaction between the human community and what motivated them. 

So when he retired, he went back to college and got a degree in Airspace studies and his Master’s in Sociology.  I spent many an afternoon in his office at the end of the day, waiting on him so we could drive the fifty-five miles back to our home, listening to him discuss different points that intrigued him.  Listening to his expertise on the subject of sociology.

Why do people do the things they do?  Why do they think the things they think?  Why do they believe what they do?  Why do they react the way they do? He would walk into a new class and say, “The basic question that all mankind must answer before they can answer anything else is: Is there a God. It affects every other thing you build your life on.  I believe there is a God and it will influence how I teach this class.  If that bothers you, then go to the administration building and find another teacher.”  I loved the guy--what can I say.... 

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