Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Headache is almost all gone.  Hallelujah.  I’m through running into walls full speed.  Nose cartilage is still sore--probably cracked, but what the heck, it didn’t kill me.

Ann saved me some eggplant parmesan--yum.  And Brad--Jeanette’s son--sent me Chinese.  Enough for five or six meals.  So I don’t have to figure out what I am going to be eating for the next week.  Thank God for the people who remember me that way.  I had an ear of corn for breakfast with toast.  My unconventional solution to the morning.

If you have older single people in your neighborhood, take them a plate.  It means the world.  They’ve quit cooking.  They’re eating frozen dinners.  Peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheese, etc.  A hot meal is a delight.

I used to do that for neighbors without any idea what it meant to them.  Now I know.  Maybe what goes around comes around???

I did get up this  morning and put green beans and potatoes on.  I fried a pound of bacon yesterday and have fresh tomatoes.  So I will share it with someone.  My mother taught me to use frozen green beans. Add bacon grease and they taste the same as fresh if you do it right.  I fry the whole pound of bacon so I can have BLT’s for lunches.  Yum.  Pigs are one of God’s best inventions.  Ham, bacon, pork chops...

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