Friday, July 23, 2021

I called my friend Carolyn last night and told her I was getting little spots on my legs that peeled.   She told me it was a fatal disease for which there was no cure.  Old age.  It’s nice to know what is going to kill me.

I hadn’t checked my garden in a couple of days and when I went out there, there were twenty or so ripe tomatoes.  You can only give so many away and then you have to do something with them...which I’m not going to do.

But my cousin Ann makes salsa, so she is going to take them.  Fridays we go to breakfast, but this morning I fixed a spinach, tomato, mushroom and bacon omelet for us and finished it off with. toast.  Yum.  She likes to go to the weekend sales...and I go along to keep her company.  She doesn’t like to do it by herself.  I’d be doing nothing at home anyway.

We seldom buy anything...but she is always looking for things that are cheap for her “basket.”  She keeps it by her piano for her students and when they do what they are supposed to do and do it well, they get a “prize.”  Everything she buys at the sales is brand new.  

It is amazing what people buy and never use.

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