Monday, July 26, 2021

The divide in the nation seems to be getting larger.  It is unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime.  And based on terrible misinformation coming at you from every angle.  I have heard all sorts of things that normally wouldn’t be given the time of day.

It takes years and years to do a study on the results of a vaccine---we don’t know anything about that yet.  But things are being brandied about as absolute facts after five months.  One of the latest is that it will make you infertile.  You can’t possibly know that in five months!!  Five years maybe.  Yesterday, I heard that the vaccine if filled with something that makes you magnetic.  Where is this kind of stuff coming from??? 

I’ve never seen anything like this.  Trump introduced “Warp Speed.”  It was a resounding success.  It worked.  Biden acted on that and those who got the vaccine (including Trump and Biden) aren’t going to the hospital.  98.2% of deaths are from the unvaccinated.  If you don’t want a vaccine, okay.  But why get on a soapbox about it?  What this has to do with politics escapes me.  But then, I am a scientist.  I’ve worked in labs.  I know how lab science works.

America seems to have lost faith in itself.  Perhaps it will cause us to turn to God again.  I’m tired of all the division between people over stupid stuff.  Let’s talk about things that count in eternity... 

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