Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Pat decided that she better come look at me.  Sometimes telling her I am okay isn’t enough.  It’s not that she doesn’t believe me, she just knows that I am self-sufficient and sometimes wait until it’s sometimes too late to yell.  She stayed all night, declared me fine and went home this morning.

Becky came by as well.  She is doing an estate sale this weekend and said there were already over 100,000 hits on the site photos.  It is a really big one.  If you haven’t ever been, look on line at Swan Estate Sales.  She works on it all the time.  The houses are sometimes left after years of neglect and have to be cleaned--it is hard work.  She hires a lot of people to help.  Two more in August.

Amy called Pat this morning to get instructions with tending the horses.  Pat can’t easily leave them, and one of them that she is boarding needed a swift kick.

Horses and estate sales.  I don’t understand my daughters.  But what can I say...they both have always worked hard at what they do.  Me?  I like cleaner venues in which to spend my time.

I like retirement even better.

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