Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I have been watching Nova and Discover this week.  We are indebted to the photographers who sit on site hour after hour for one or two seconds of film that makes it to production.  Those moments we get to watch.  Which otherwise we would never experience.

Today I have been watching the sharks of Hawaii and the fish that are found only in those waters.  And the volcano pouring lava into the ocean with steam rising above it. 

I  took my three children to Hawaii when Ken was in Viet Nam and he got R&R to the island for a week--but even then saw nothing like I see on TV

It reminds me of an analogy I use in describing the Trinity.  H2O--water--comes in three main forms.  But it is always H2O.  1. Steam (fog), 2. ice, and 3. liquid.  Each has a different purpose--but it is always H2O.  One thing in three forms.  

I had someone tell me that the word “Trinity” isn’t in the Bible.  As if that mattered.  It is a word that describes a single thing with three forms or purposes.  We know what it means.  God--the father.  God--in human form come to earth.  And God--within us in Spirit.  One God.

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