Monday, July 19, 2021

 The Monday after my Thursday back injection I woke up with a splitting headache.  I had a regular appointment with my GP that morn and she was concerned that I might be leaking spinal fluid from the injection.

I decided to wait it out.  The headache persisted.  I was scratching my face and noticed that the bridge of my nose was extremely tender and reflected on why that might be???  Then I remembered...Sunday night I got up in the middle of the night on my way to the bathroom in pitch black darkness and ran head first into a wall.  Wham!

It dazed me, but I went back to bed and forgot about it.  Wrong thing to do.  I think I have a concussion.  I called Scott--who holds the record on concussions and he told me where they hurt and that’s where I hurt.  So I am waiting this out too.  Don’t run into walls in the night is what I learned.

I remember a concussion Scott had.  Running on a hit, he put two guys in, rounded third full bore and stretched charging headlong into the catcher.  I saw him go limp up in the air as he fell back to earth.  Out like a light.  Six hours later, he came out of a coma in the hospital, looked up at me and said, “Was I safe?”  That’s all he ever cared about.  Baseball was his life.  All-state.  Drafted by the Red Socks.  Chose college and tore his knee up, dislocated his shoulder.  OU coach said he had the best arm he had ever seen.  Glory days.  He was really good.  Now he refs and loves it.

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