Wednesday, July 7, 2021

My daughter and hubby called at 6:30 to see if I was up and wanted to go to breakfast.  Of course!!!  Great way to start a day.

My Sun Gold tomatoes are going crazy.  I pick a cup or two of them every day.  Little round orbs of sweet.

Out of fifty or so okra plants--twice--five or six made it.  The rabbits are fat and happy.

I have another procedure on my back tomorrow.  When ablation (two), Physical therapy (months) and steroids don’t help, then--and only then--will the insurance allow and pay for a transmitter.  How that works, I don’t know.  But at this point, I’m up for it.  Seems like a lot of wasted insurance money when the doctor said none of it would help anyway.

Can’t believe it is July.  Time has evaporated since 2019.  2020 was a loss.  2021 is half over.  Unbelievable.

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