Thursday, February 10, 2022

Be thankful.  It will make your day better.  We tend to dwell on what is wrong rather than thank God for what is right.

I regularly thank him that my pain is in my back and not in my hands--so that I can type.  Do I like the pain in my back?  Of course not.

I am so thankful for my neighbor Jeaninne.  She brings me something to eat at least once a week.  Taco chili soup today, and enough to freeze for another day.  She puts corn in it, which I love. 

And my friend Jeanette showed up at my door yesterday with tortillas, “I figure you are low on these by now,” she said.

Pat called to invite me to lunch today.  She works in Luther--a thirty minute drive for me.  But how wonderful to have a date to eat with someone.

Becky called last night to check on me.  She sent a picture of herself and her new (first) grandson.  She had him all to herself while his parents went to an event.  He was sleeping.  She was grinning.

The weather is 67 degrees.  February, and a beautiful day.  Thank you God for all the wonderful blessings you send my way.

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