Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Chili, cheese and Fritos for breakfast.  I ran out of Pizza and quiche.  Jeanette made the quiche for me.  De-de-dee-licious.

I am going to have to cook pretty soon.  I used to make a potato, sour cream, sausage and other stuff dish that you baked.  But now, I can’t stir it up.  I am a wimp.  Last time I made it, Scott was here and stirred it for me. 

You remember when your granny said she had arthritis in her hands and you didn’t have a clue what she was talking about...someday you will get to learn about that.  There are lots of fun things awaiting you out there in the future.

If our bodies didn’t betray us, we would be content to live forever.  

My grandson Ben came by Saturday and spent two and a half hours visiting with me.  It was lovely to “remember” with him.  He is very thoughtful and rational and smart.  A nice interlude.

I’m getting tired of idiots.  When you don’t have much to do but watch TV, you learn how stupid the world has become.  People don’t read.  They play video games.  They can’t carry on a conversation, they don’t know how to think.  Face to face discourse has become a thing of the past.  It’s sad.   

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