Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 My computer has been “down” all day.  I checked the wiring and sure enough, the charging cord was broken.  Actually, chewed.  I’m sure the ladies who vacuum got it again.  It’s happened before. 

I pressed the ends of the wires together and “ta-da” it is working!  Craig said he would buy me another one tomorrow.  But for now,  at five-thirty in the evening, I am running.

Sleet has been coming down most of the day.  It is way below freezing here.  Which I don’t like at all.  The mail man was putting mail in my box on the street and I Yoo-hooed at him from the porch and asked him if he would bring it to me???

He did!!  There are still good people in the world.  I thanked him over and God blessed him.  I still haven’t gotten all my income things from 2021 and want to get my taxes in.  Sometimes mail just disappears forever.

The problem with a day like today is that all there is to do is eat. Which is counter-productive.  Or play solitaire.  Which I can’t do with my computer down.  I can’t do stuff like that on my phone.  The screen is too small for me.  I bet I am paying too much for phone service.  The only thing I do on my phone is text and call.

Tomorrow is another day, and the weatherman says another front is coming in with more of the same.  I probably won’t blog if my computer is still down.  Maybe Craig will get me a charging cord.

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