Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The problem with all of that wonderful food people bring me, is that I eat it.  And my weight has started to rise.  I am normally thin and my metabolism is a raging fire...so I seldom gain weight no matter what I eat.

But Jeanette makes her quiche with heavy cream--no wonder it is so delicious.  It’s her fault!  I’m going to have to space it out.  Maybe every third day for breakfast instead of every day.

One thing that makes stabilization of weight easier for me is that I don’t like sweets.  I don’t like the sensation of sugar in my mouth.  

I’ve also been eating chili with cheese and Fritos.  Justifying all that cheese with the reasoning that I don’t use milk and need the calcium.  I don’t even buy milk.  The Fritos can’t be justified.  But like I said yesterday, we humans want to eat something that tastes good to us.

The problem with gaining weight that you don’t need--is that your body will adjust to a new weight-point that it likes.  And if you continue going up, your metabolism will reset your point upwards--it’s hard to reset once it gets comfortable.  Your new body-point resists being messed with.

All of that just to say, I’m going to have to change my ways.  I don’t like that. I want to eat what I want to eat.  That’s the problem for all of us.

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